
  • Enhance safety awareness in the community.
  • Liaise with Mansfield County Fresh Water Supply Districts to identify/rectify safety hazards within community.
  • Organizes National Night Out event to bring out safety awareness to Waterford Park as well as other safety events.

Contact Safety Committee

Committee organization and meetings:

  • Committees determine internal structure of committee, including director positions.
  • Volunteers must attend two consecutive meetings to be considered a member and be allowed to vote.
  • Committees shall prepare a mission statement detailing goals and committee function. This information shall be posted on the website.
  • Chair persons shall be elected annually from within the committee.
  • Committee meetings must take place at least quarterly.
  • Minutes of each meeting must be taken and posted to the website after approved by committee at next meeting.
  • Committee chairs must notify the homeowners regarding meeting times and location by posting to the website.
  • Members may only be the Chair of one committee, and may only be an Officer in two committees.

New volunteers:

  • All committee chairs must contact new volunteers within ten days of receiving a request for information.
  • All committee meetings are open to any homeowner who would like to attend, even if they do not wish to join the committee at that time.

Administration Items:

  • Each committee shall contribute a small article or notice for each newsletter by the deadline time. This may be just a few words, or a detailed article.
  • Committee chairs must attend each quarterly committee meeting, or assign another member from the committee to attend.
  • Expenditures must be approved by committee as a group, and so noted in the minutes.
  • Committee chairs are the only committee members that shall submit reimbursement requests to the management company. Reimbursements shall be made to the committee member or volunteer who made the purchase, but all reimbursement requests must be made by Chair of the committee.
  • Committee chair shall keep a record of all reimbursement requests.
  • Each committee shall submit their request for budget items and costs by June of each year.