What is the best way to get involved in the neighborhood?
Waterford Park has some incredible people and getting to know your neighbors is always a good thing. The best way to get more involved is joining a committee (Landscape, Pond & Playground, Social), attending the board meetings and participating is social events.
Can people solicit in our neighborhood or what should I do if someone solicits me?
Waterford Park is private property. ALL access is restricted by complete perimeter fencing and restricted-access gates and pedestrian ports of entry/exit. Unauthorized entry is prohibited, and it is a violation of the State statute, CRIMINAL TRESPASS (we have signage that states this as well). Criminal trespassing in this neighborhood is a Class B misdemeanor, unless they go in your house (habitation), and then it is a Class A misdemeanor, so dial 9-1-1 and report any acts of criminal trespassing. The HOA or management company will not enforce this since this is a criminal matter, so please contact your local law enforcement.
What if the gate is inoperable during the day or after hours?
Denise Manestar, Community Manager
T 817.953.2721
E manager@waterfordparkmansfield.com
Customer Care Center 24/7 Homeowner Assistance
Who is allowed to fish in the pond?
Fishing at the pond is for residents only and their guest that are accompanied by a homeowner. HOA dues go towards taking care of the pond and stocking the pond for residents to enjoy. Additionally, there are posted signs that prohibit people from fishing. This is for safety measures and to limit our liability. Allowing everyone to fish in our pond could increase our exposure to criminal activity, make HOA go up and expose our neighborhood to additional liabilities.
What is the gate code for the walk through gate?
The walk through gate code is 243.
What should I do if I see a violation of Waterford Park’s Covenants or CCR?
The management company that Waterford Park has contracted routinely visits the neighborhood to look for potential violations and takes appropriate actions to cure. This is to protect property values and maintain the high standards WP strives to achieve. If you feel there is a potential violations it should be directed to the management company.
Do you have to keep your pets on a leash or what should I do if I see someone with their pet off the leash?
The City of Mansfield requires all pets to be restrained on a leash at all times when not inside a fenced yard or within the home. This is for the safety and protection of all homeowners, but also for the protection of your pet and others. Please help us in this effort by always leashing your pet before going outdoors in your front lawn or in the common areas. For more information on Mansfield City Ordinances regarding animals, please visit https://www.mansfieldtexas.govtes/default/files/animalcontrolordinance.pdf. Please contact your local law enforcement to report an incident. The HOA or management company will not enforce any violations since this is a criminal activity.
What if I have a problem with my neighbor or they do something that bothers me?
We are all different and some things we do will inevitably bother or frustrate others. In almost every situation this is not intentional, but sometimes this will happen when you live in a neighborhood with other people. The best way of addressing this is kindly and respectfully engaging that person face-to-face. What we’ve seen in most situations is people just didn’t realize it bothered that other person neighbor and it was quickly remedied after a brief conversation. Additionally, this helps build stronger bonds between your neighbors and makes it easier for everyone to get a long better.
It seems like we have a lot of people that don’t obey the speed limit, why?
The current speed limit for our subdivision is 20 MPH. This is a reasonable speed and all homeowners should obey the posted traffic signs in our neighborhood at all times. This is for the safety of our homeowners our pets and especially our kids/grandkids that might not be as aware or be seen as easily. We’ve done some different test cases and determined that speeding within our subdivision saves only a few seconds, but the consequences of those actions could be devastating. Fortunately, the majority of the people identified as speeding in our neighborhood are people that don’t live in Waterford Park and don’t have the same respect for our subdivision or just don’t know what the speed limit is. Please do your part to obey all posted signs and inform your guest of them as well.
What type of projects do I need to get approval for?
Our subdivision is very unique in that it maintains a very high standard to protect the investment each of us have made. Any changes, modifications or updates need to be approved by the ACC(Architectural Control Committee ) prior to starting any project. This includes staining, painting, building, removing, etc. When in doubt its best to check with the management company/ACC before starting any project no matter how big or small it is. This is above and beyond any city permits or approvals that will need to be obtained. Remember, this isn’t a request, but a requirement outlined in the by laws of Waterford Park. Failure to comply could result in fines and costly changes/updates to a project.
If I post something to Nextdoor will that be considered official communication to the HOA or board members?
Nextdoor is only a social communication site. This site has nothing to do with Waterford Park HOA of the board. The board will not recognize any communication as official neighborhood communication. This is to protect the interest of our members and not confuse a social media site as an official form of communication. Additionally, some neighbors and board members don’t even communicate through this channel and some have blocked others because of negative comments that people make. The board does encourage those that chose to use Nextdoor as a communication tool to do so in a respectful manner and understand that your opinions and/or comments can be hurtful to others, so please think before you send something out for everyone to see.
If I do not use any of the community services, do I have the ability to opt out from being required to pay HOA dues, or be given a decreased payment amount?
HOA dues are a mandatory component for residents residing in Waterford Park. The dues are used to provide for the upkeep of the common arears, as well as to maintain the overall community. While payment options/plans are available for hardship cases, there is not a waiver for the payment of dues, as every household has a shared financial obligation to maintain the community.
How many HOA board members are there, and how much is the HOA paying them to serve?
WP HOA board members are elected through a vote process which occurs annually. The board consist of five members, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer & Member at Large. Three of the five board members are elected to two year terms, with the other two elected on an annual basis. The elected board members voluntarily serves and does not receive any form of compensation.
When work is done in the neighborhood, how do we know that we aren't overpaying for the repairs?
To ensure fairness, the board utilizes a competitive bid process. Bids are sought from multiple (normally 3 or more) sources where they are compared and voted on. Remember board members are residents of the community and are also required to pay dues, so every effort is made to ensure we are provided with the most cost efficient product available.
Why do we have to consult with the management company (FirstService Residential), to resolve a problem instead of directly contacting a board member like in the past?
When the board took over the HOA, resources were limited and board members and volunteers were tasked with the responsibility of maintaining the day to day operations of the association. FirstService Residential is now the delegated agent, chosen to serve and represent the community. Our Community Manager is Crystal Cady who is routinely in contact with the HOA board, and manages the day to day operation of our community. Adding a management firm ensures consistency and provides the board an opportunity to serve effectively in an overall management and administrative role.
My contractor completed work at my home and they did a great job! Can I display a sign in my yard so that other neighbors can obtain their contact information?
No, a homeowner/contractor may not display a sign in your yard. Article 8, 8.4 of the CCR's (Declarations of Covenants Conditions and Restrictions), provides when/how signs may be displayed. This document may be found in the document section of this website.
I pay my taxes annually. Why cannot the City of Mansfield be responsible for our road repair, lighting maintenance and or sewer repairs, so that dues may be decreased?
The primary function of the City of Mansfield is to make temporary and permanent repairs to the city streets and utilities. Since Waterford Park is a gated community and considered as a private community. As a result, this maintenance is the responsibility of it's homeowners who are tasked with paying the required HOA dues.
Can we be made to pay a one-time due increase to cover the cost of a non-routine repair in the neighborhood?
The HOA completes routine maintenance, maintains reserve funding accounts and has a reserve study plan, but there may be an instance where a Special Assessment allocation may be required. The HOA will take every measure available, prior to considering this option, but if there is no other option, Article 2., 2 (d) Special Assessment for Working Capital Fund, Nonrecurring Maintenance and Capital Improvements, of the CCR's allows this option.
What is the ACC, and what do they do?
The CCR's 10.5(a) requires the establishment of the Architectural Control Committee. This purpose of this committee is to promote and ensure a high level of taste, design quality, harmony and conformity throughout the Property consistent with this declaration. The Committee shall make certain that all homes built on any lot shall meet these
requirements. Additionally, this committee ensures any amends made are consistent with the that of the neighborhood.
Am I required to attend all of the board meetings to know what's going on in the neighborhood?
While participation is strongly encouraged, the HOA disseminates information via use of several sources. Many documents can be found on this website as well as information being distributed through the routinely circulated newsletter. If you have additional questions, you may send in an e/mail or make telephonic contact, to the number provided on this site. The HOA makes every attempt to have information readily available to it's members.